This General Studies platform is committed to comply with the regulations under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the HKSAR and strictly protect the personal information provided to us to remain secure and confidential.

The personal information provided by users to our Website will be only used for opening accounts and internal analysis in our company. The analyzed results will also be released in integral reports and the information of any individual users shall be protected against any disclosure. Our Website is also committed that we will not disclose the collected information to any third party by any means that may recognize the identities of the users.

Users have the right to make access and correction requests to his/her personal information in our Website. If you would like to access or correct your information, or have any enquiries regarding the privacy policy or other affairs of our Website, please email us at

本常識平台承諾遵守香港特別行政區現行頒佈的《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,嚴格保障用戶提供予本網站的 個人資料安全和保密。

用戶向本網站提供的個人資料,只用作開設帳戶及公司內部分析之用;資料分析結果亦只會以整體報告發佈,個別用戶 的資料絕對不會外洩。此外,本網站亦保證絕對不會以可識辨用戶身份的方式,向第三者披露所收集得的資料。

用戶有權要求查閱及更改本網站所持有有關閣下的個人資料。如閣下欲查閱或修改資料,或對本網站的保障私隱政策 和事務有任何查詢,請以電郵與我們聯絡。